Lab Rat Chat

9. Animal Research in the European Union

Lab Rat Chat Season 1 Episode 9

Lab Rat Chat - Episode 09 with Dr. Javier Guillen from the European Animal Research Association
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In this ninth episode of Lab Rat Chat, Dr. Javier Guillen from the European Animal Research Association joins us all the way from Spain to chat about the similarities and differences in animal research regulations and laws in the European Union compared with those in the United States.   

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Dr. Guillen's extensive background and experiences throughout his education and career.
  • The mission and vision of the European Animal Research Association.
  • Similarities and differences between United States and EU animal research regulations.
  • The development of Transparency Agreements and how they may be contributing to increasing public trust.

Notable quotes:

“In these current times of COVID-19, EARA has put together an interactive map to display the biomedical research currently underway across the world to find a cure for coronavirus.”

“Many people don’t really know when, why, and how animals are used.  When you explain to someone all the regulations and ethical oversight, they are really surprised.”

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